Why Wait? is a best-selling abstinence education booklet for Christians. It discusses one of the biggest challenges among teens and singles: pre-marital sexual activity. This bestselling full-color pamphlet presents 24 reasons―12 biblical and 12 medical and emotional―to think twice before risking health and happiness on sex outside of marriage.
Although many public school students receive sex education in school, Christians have a distinct view of the sacredness of sex that is usually not presented in a classroom setting. This Why Wait Pamphlet is a very basic abstinence education overview from a Christian stance that presents a Christian viewpoint on human sexuality in a simple 1-2 hour discussion.
The reality is that many students today have experienced sexual contact already. Some have been taken advantage of. Others were pressured or coerced. Some have simply been naive. This grace-filled pamphlet also helps those who want to be assured of God's constant love and good plan no matter what they have experienced. It is never too late to treat yourself with respect and expect others to do the same.
Abstinence Education from a Christian Point of View
Teens and single adults ask themselves, Why Wait? Why does God care if I have sex? Everyone else is doing it. In fact, these many people are often surprised to discover that God does have very good reasons for us to wait for sex until marriage. The pamphlet presents 12 of God's compelling reasons to wait, but also provides ideas for those who have not, as well as an encouraging section on "second-time virginity."
Sources for the Medical Information in this Abstinence Education Booklet
All of the medical information on this pamphlet is from nationally known health organizations or researchers, such as the Centers for Disease Control, the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the National Institutes for Health, the Kaiser Family Foundations, and Johns Hopkins Medical School.