Get Your Story Straight - Kristen Hatton
Everyone has a story, but not everyone has their story straight and teenagers are no exception! Today's selfie culture fuels ongoing confusion about identity and purpose, and teens are left to assume that they are ultimately responsible to make life work, find meaning, and hope for the best when they mess up. When it's all about you, it's also all up to you. Right? Let's get the story straight.
Seven years in the making, Get Your Story Straight is a unique, 52-week Christian book to help teens and young adults discover the incredible news that God really is the hero of their story. Forged out of one Bible study leader's ongoing quest to see the gospel penetrate the hearts of the teenagers in her small group, Get Your Story Straight builds a year's worth of personal reading and interactive exercises squarely upon Christian principles.
The three-part book starts with creation and works outward, so teens not only see the unfolding story of Jesus Christ, but also why it matters in their lives. Teens spend a week in one Bible passage exploring, asking and answering questions, and journaling to establish the habit of interacting carefully with Christian Scripture and making life applications. This one-of-a-kind devotional book rescues teens from the selfie culture, inviting them to live with Jesus in his gospel story where they can know that their sins are forgiven, their future is assured, and their lives have meaning.
While this yearlong study is designed for individual devotional use, it would work particularly well for small group discussion led by a mentor.
- Builds a year's worth of devotional reading and interactive exercises squarely upon the gospel rather than on a topic.
- Forged out of one Bible study leader's 7-year quest to see the gospel penetrate the hearts of the teenagers in her small group.
- Guides teens to spend a week in the same Bible passage exploring, asking and answering questions, and journaling to establish the habit of interacting carefully with Christian Scripture and making life applications.
- Starts with creation and works outward, so teens not only see the unfolding story of Jesus Christ, but also why it matters in their lives and how it impacts what they are experiencing
- Designed for individual devotional use, but could be helpfully used in a small group discussion guided by a mentor.