El Progreso del Peregrino por John Bunyan
Impresionantes ilustraciones pintadas a mano y comentarios esclarecedores dan vida a esta obra maestra. Escrito desde la celda de la cárcel de Bunyan, El progreso del peregrino representa evocativamente una historia de lucha, perseverancia y fe. Con anotaciones y arte a través del libro, esta edición te invita a descubrir de nuevo la riqueza y los matices de este querido clásico.
Originalmente escrito para el hombre común, el clásico cristiano de John Bunyan también ha encontrado su camino en las bibliotecas de académicos y universidades, una verdadera obra maestra para todos los tiempos. Su riqueza histórica, su simbolismo elocuente y su prosa deslumbrante han resistido la prueba del tiempo, y esta nueva edición ayuda a los lectores a apreciar la belleza perdurable que se encuentra en las palabras de Bunyan.
Para los fanáticos desde hace mucho tiempo del cuento de Bunyan, o para aquellos que lo han encontrado por primera vez, esta edición ilustrada ofrece una nueva belleza y perspectiva. A los fanáticos del texto les encantarán las hermosas escenas pintadas a mano al comienzo de cada capítulo, y los lectores obtendrán una comprensión más profunda de la alegoría a partir de las anotaciones insertadas en cada capítulo de este cuento clásico.
El progreso del peregrino ha inspirado a los lectores a través de los siglos a perseverar en su fe. Desde su publicación en 1678, este libro ha sido traducido a más de 200 idiomas. Es un best seller mundial, solo superado por la Biblia, y se ha convertido en un sello distintivo entre académicos y teólogos de todo el mundo. ¡Un elemento básico para cualquier biblioteca doméstica!
Stunning hand-painted illustrations and insightful commentary bring this masterpiece to life. Written from Bunyan's prison cell, Pilgrim's Progress evocatively depicts a story of struggle, perseverance, and faith. With annotations and art throughout the book, this edition invites you to rediscover the richness and nuance of this beloved classic.
Originally written for the common man, John Bunyan's Christian classic has also found its way into the libraries of scholars and universities, a true masterpiece for the ages. Its rich history, eloquent symbolism, and dazzling prose have stood the test of time, and this new edition helps readers appreciate the enduring beauty found in Bunyan's words.
For long-time fans of Bunyan's tale, or for those who have encountered it for the first time, this illustrated edition offers new beauty and perspective. Fans of the text will love the beautiful hand-painted scenes at the beginning of each chapter, and readers will gain a deeper understanding of the allegory from the annotations inserted into each chapter of this classic tale.
The Pilgrim's Progress has inspired readers through the centuries to persevere in their faith. Since its publication in 1678, this book has been translated into more than 200 languages. It is a global bestseller, second only to the Bible, and has become a hallmark among scholars and theologians around the world. A staple for any home library!
Author Bio:
John Bunyan was born in Elstow, Bedfordshire, England, in 1628. He learned to read and write at the village school and was prepared to follow his father's trade as a brazier when the English Civil War broke out in 1644 and he was drafted into the Parliamentary army. His military service brought him into contact with Oliver Cromwell's Puritan troops. Beginning in 1648, Bunyan suffered a crisis in religious faith that lasted for several years. He turned to the Nonconformist church in Bedford to sustain him during this period. His first writings were attacks against the Quakers. Then Charles II was restored to the throne and Bunyan was arrested for conducting services not in accordance with the Church of England. He spent 12 years in jail. During this time, he wrote his autobiography, Grace Abounding, in which he described his spiritual struggle and growth. During his last years in prison, Bunyan began his most famous work, The Pilgrim's Progress, a two-part allegorical tale of the character Christian and his journey to salvation. Part I was published in 1678 and Part II in 1684. The second part deals with the spiritual journey of Christian's wife and sons, as they follow in his footsteps. With its elements of the folktale tradition, The Pilgrim's Progress became popular immediately. Well into the nineteenth century it was a book known to almost every reader in England and New England, second in importance only to the Bible. Bunyan died in London on August 31, 1688.