Ten Commandments (Lime) Bookmarks
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Hand out the bookmarks in The Ten Commandments Sunday School/Teacher Bookmark Set to your students to help them remember all of God's important commands.
The identical bookmarks in this set feature a colorful design that paraphrases each of God's commandments in a design mimicking a stack of books. Green, orange, blue, red, black, and pink books stack on top of each other against a light teal background. The title is printed in black, orange, and blue letters, and the commandments are printed in white as the title of each book in the stack.
Always Put God First
Worship Only God & Do Not Make Any Idols
Use God's Name With Respect
Remember The Sabbath
Honor Your Father and Mother
Do Not Hurt Others
Keep Your Marriage Promises
Do Not Steal
Do Not Tell Lies
Do Not Be Jealous
Exodus. 20:1-17
Worship Only God & Do Not Make Any Idols
Use God's Name With Respect
Remember The Sabbath
Honor Your Father and Mother
Do Not Hurt Others
Keep Your Marriage Promises
Do Not Steal
Do Not Tell Lies
Do Not Be Jealous
Exodus. 20:1-17
Each bookmark within this identical, 10-bookmark set is gloss-laminated on the front and leaves a blank space for you to write a note on the back. The back also includes another verse that outlines God's commandments for us.
This is love for God: to keep his commands.
1 John 5:3
1 John 5:3
These sturdy bookmarks are a fantastic way to share God's love with the children in your life. Use a bookmark as a Bible verse memorization tool in Sunday school, a prize for piano lessons, or a place marker for your child's favorite chapter book. The Ten Commandments Sunday School/Teacher Bookmark Set provides a creative way for kids to remember God's love and commandments, and the set makes an excellent gift for a teacher.