Though God promised Israel to His people, the evil king of Sisera soon took over. God used Deborah to give support and strength to Barak in leading a war against Sisera. God gives you people in your life to bring you support and strength in your trials, and He uses you in the same way in others’ lives.
About the Arch® Books Series
Arch® Books have captivated generations of children with their colorful pictures and creative poetry since they were introduced in 1964. Each book presents a complete Bible story in a fun-to-read way that early-elementary children will understand and remember, whether they're reading it on their own or they're having it read to them. Known for their biblical and historical accuracy, Arch® Books are timeless, affordable, and collectible—perfect for assisting teachers and parents as they teach children the Bible and how God works in all aspects of their lives.
Each book in the series features:
- 16-page Bible story, written for early-elementary-age children
- Colorful, biblically accurate illustrations
- A letter to parents, offering context to the story and tips for application