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Como alcanzar su mayor potential para Dios por Charles F Stanley

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En Cómo alcanzar su mayor potencial para Dios,el aclamado pastor Charles F. Stanley conecta a los lectores con la gran esperanzay el propósito que Dios visualizó cuando Él los creó.
"Nunca van a cambiar las cosas" o "Así soy yo; nunca voy amejorar" son solo unas cuantas de las mentiras dañinas que los cristianos creenacerca de sí mismos, sus situaciones y su camino cristiano. Pero el doctorCharles Stanley está aquí para decirles la verdad genuina tal como la ve Dios.

En este mensaje poderoso e inspirador, los lectores sevuelven a conectar con la grandiosa visión que Dios tuvo cuando los creóexcepcionalmente. Aprenden que a pesar de los reveses, fracasos y frustraciones,existe un mejor camino basado en la Palabra de Dios, uno que está lleno deesperanza y propósito. Este libro los conduce al camino específicamentediseñado para que lleguen a ser exactamente las personas que Dios las hizo quefueran y logren exactamente aquello para lo cual Dios los creó.


In How to Reach Your Highest Potential for God, acclaimed pastor Charles F. Stanley connects readers to the great hope and purpose God envisioned when He created them.

"They will never change things" or "that's how I am; I will never make better" are just a few of the harmful lies Christians believe about themselves, their situations and their Christian path. But Dr. Charles Stanley is here to tell you the genuine truth as God sees it.

In this powerful and inspiring message, readers sevuelven to connect with the great vision God had when they were exceptionally believed. They learn that despite setbacks, failures and frustrations, there is a better path based on the Word of God, one that is full of hope and purpose. This book leads you to a path specifically designed to become exactly the people God made you to be and accomplish exactly what God created you to be.

Author Bio: Charles F. Stanley

Dr. Charles F. Stanley was the founder of In Touch Ministries and pastor emeritus of First Baptist Church Atlanta, Georgia, where he served more than 50 years. He was also a New York Times bestselling author of more than 70 books. Until his death in 2023, Dr. Stanley’s mission was to get the gospel to “as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, as clearly as possible, as irresistibly as possible, through the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God.” This is a calling that In Touch Ministries continues to pursue by transmitting his teachings as widely and effectively as possible.

Dr. Stanley’s messages can be heard daily on In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley broadcasts on television, radio, and satellite networks and stations around the world; on the internet at and through In Touch+; and via the In Touch Messenger Lab. Excerpts from Dr. Stanley’s inspiring messages are also published in the award-winning In Touch devotional magazine.